Monday, April 06, 2009


Wonderful friends, wonderful trip.
Carefully selected photos from this year's girls get-away weekend.
Our first view of the dock behind our house.
We made a visit to Warrenton (see last post) on the way to Palacios Texas.
(Note: Palacios rhymes with molassas!)

First meal of really brown food: Fried pickles, shrimp, hush puppies.

Clear day looking toward the water.

View from my bed.

Stocking up on essentials.... peach cobbler.

Cute town square in some nearby town.

Custom partay glasses!

Testing the glasses.

The devil's snacks, including the fatty-buttocks size bag of peanut butter m&ms.

DVDs: 30 Rock, Mama Mia, Sex and the City

A mishap.
Adjusting to the idea of heading home with a last ditch meal at Threadgill's.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Warrenton Preview Weekend

Warrenton and Round Top Antique Weekends are my favorites. I don't even need to buy stuff... I just really like looking at the jumble of objects and taking pictures. This year, I seemed to get objects like dolls or photos of people looking at me in each of my shots.

I know this photo from my childhood, but it wasn't at my own home. It was either at a friend's house, a cousin's house or the doctor's office.

The last photo from my old camera... I got a fun new one after "the accident"