Monday, September 26, 2011

Barn Light Electric Contest! I love their lights.

I love this lamp and need to get three of them, one for the side porch and two for the front porch. A design classic! I'm entering a cool contest from my favorite lighting company. I have two of their lights already here at Casa Genet, can't wait to swap out the three exterior lights we have left.
  1. Look around online at Barn Light Electric and pick lights you’d love to own
  2. Feature your lighting picks on your personal blog, and link to the lights if you can!
  3. Copy/Paste these rules at the bottom of your blog article so others can enter
  4. Once your personal article is up, you must email your blog link to: to be qualified to win. The contest ends Wednesday, October 12, 2011
  5. Don’t have a blog? Find out how you can enter by reading the Official Rules
I'm also loving this for the TV room....