Friday, July 29, 2005

Happy Birthday, David! Posted by Picasa

Homer floating in his high tech mouse. ( Posted by Picasa

He's 40

Finally, my younger man is catching up with me. Davy turned 40 today. The kids each made him cards. Joey read the scribbles on his for about 2 minutes. Apparantly he had written all sorts of things about birthday cakes and candles. Emma's had coupons included for "swimming with Emma" and making artwork. Max's said "Happy Birthyday".

I got David a couple of t-shirts (one had the professor from Futurama), a Homer Simpson floating in blue water mouse for the computer at work, and a mix CD (thanks to iTunes). Unfortunately, his office gave him a killer deadline on his birthday. So he took off to go work after dinner, cake and presents. bummer.

Next post from the road......

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I remember when seeing the ads for school supplies made me feel like Max, but now, as a mom, when I see the ads I'm happier than Emma. Although, when you get right down to it, my Mommy life gets much harder when we have bedtimes, early rushed mornings, homework, Brownies, sports practices, games, PTA committees.... I wish summer would last a little longer.... Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 25, 2005

What a cool guy! Everything is yellow here in Austin today. There was a story on the news about a local farmer's market that offered discounts on yellow produce, and gave away free bottled water to people who arrived in yellow on a bike. Joey has been shouting out "Beo-lla and Grace" everytime he sees them in the paper and on the news (which has been often!) Viva Lance! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Laura asked me if I was a groupie (I am). But I'm glad I convinced the family to come see the show. Joey said his favorite was the "one in the white dress". And we all sang songs on the way to the car.... It was really fun, and David was a real trooper. Posted by Picasa

Guess who showed up at Zilker tonight... Carol Channing! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Doesn't he read my blog????? Posted by Picasa

My response.... on the back of his fundraising pledge form.... I'll be mailing this Monday. Posted by Picasa

Annie Gets Her Gun Again

OK, so all day yesterday, I wouldn't stop humming songs from Annie Get Your Gun. Actually I physically COULD NOT stop humming them. And, unfortunately for the kids, I only knew little snippets of the songs, so I kept singing them over and over. (I've got the sun in the mornin' and the moon at night....) I decided that Emma and I would have a date Friday night to see the muscal again. I called "Annie" at home and told her how great she was, and chatted about the show, and ultimately hit her up for reserved blanket space for the second night in a row. She was very gracious. It's like flying first class now, I don't think I can ever sit "up the hill" with the common folks.

Emma and I met up with one of the girls from the Brownie troop and her mom (who I like a lot) and we all went together to see the show. We had front row center seats and they were perfect. There was a rain shower that passed through, but almost everyone stuck it out and of course, since there's No Business Like Show Business (also from the show) the show went on. The rain really cooled things off, and it turned out to be another glorious evening. Breezy, cool and smelling wonderful from the rain. The mommies sipped margaritas and the girls had sprite in slush mugs and M&Ms to eat.

Emma and Lauren sat in front of us and were spell bound througout the show. I watched them clap so hard after each song, and they would turn around to point things out to Amy and me.

At the end, Emma and Lauren went up to Mrs. Powell and told her that they went to Bryker Woods School, and then they got her autograph. They got Frank and Sitting Bull's autographs too. We walked back to the car, all four of us singing our favorite songs (or snippets of....). The girls decided they would like to have Mrs. Powell for their sixth grade teacher. They also have plans to take their autographs to school to show Mrs. Powell when school starts.

At midnight we made it home, Emma was pumped and too excited to go to sleep. I put some dirty dishes in the washer and hummed, "I've got the sun in the morning and the moon at night..." and told Emma I couldn't get that song out of my head. She told me, "That's OK, as long as you don't put it into my head, Mom".

Oh yeah, she wants to see it again.

Friday, July 22, 2005

There's No Business Like Show Business....

I had so much fun last night. I saw the show, Annie Get Your Gun, outside on a beautiful summer evening at Zilker Park. It was wonderful.

The lead, Annie, was played by one of the teachers at my kids' school. I've seen her around, and I would have never guessed she is a STAR! I mean it blew me away. She could sing, dance, and had so much stage charisma. I will be in awe of her for the next school year.

I plan to take Emma back with me tonight, it was that much fun.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

nest, top view. Posted by Picasa

Joey made his own "nest" tonight, curled up, and fell asleep in it. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

elvis is in the building

This is a nice way to waste your employer's office supplies....

Saturday, July 16, 2005

in my face!

I don't have to post unpleasent things, but in the spirit of truth,

I got beat in bowling by a three year old, and a six year old.

And I was trying.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Mommy not ready.

OK, so today I gave my kid a little nudge toward growing up and then I immediately regretted it.

Emma has been dreaming of the day when she could go to Gramma and Grandad's all by herself. The two girls, Gramma and Emma, have been sharing phone calls, emails and letters, planning all the dinners out, manicures, shopping trips. Sounds so good, I'm ready for a trip to Gramma's by myself.

Since Emma chose not to attend camps this year, I thought we could splurge and let her fly on a plane one way to Dallas. Then, we could test out the idea of driving and child swapping in Waco for the return trip. I envision a revolving door of kids heading to Grandad/Gramma camp in the coming years and would like to make the transportation as painless as possible.

Emma was very excited about solo air travel, until today.

This morning I could sense the nervousness, she was stalling when it was time to leave. By the time we were at the airport, she had mentioned being nervous about 20 times. I kept saying it was normal to be nervous, and she would have so much fun with Gramma. Luckily, I cut our time as close as possible, I needed gas on the way out, made an unplanned detour due to road construction, argued about the security guard destroying my beloved Leatherman Junior keychain knife/scissors, and then bought some snacks. By the time we got back to the gate, they were early boarding the kids. A nice attendant, she was named Ray, came out and introduced herself to Emma. I gave my girl a flustered hug and kiss, and then another set, and another. I reminded her to listen to the mix CD I made for her when she got to her seat. And then she walked down the ramp to the plane. Without her Mama.

I was told when I bought the ticket that I would need to stay at the gate until the plane left. A great rule and totally unnecessary for me. I didn't want to budge. And all I could picture was my baby in that big old plane. Waiting about twenty minutes (since she boarded first) for all the other passengers to get on. Waiting for the fussing of the ground crew. Couldn't they hurry up? I saw Emma on board, scared, waiting by herself. Then I started crying. Wearing my sunglasses inside so no one could tell.

Finally, the plane backed up and I watched the tip of the tail as it almost got out of my sight around the next gate, then it turned, meandered around the runways, and finally, finally, finally took off. I sat at the window and watched the plane until it was a tiny speck. Then I went back to the car.

I kept checking my watch on the drive home, and by the time I pulled into the driveway, she was on the approach to Dallas. I got inside and she landed, I made Max a sandwitch and she called from Gramma's cell phone.

She had cried she said, a lady next to her helped her to stop crying. She doesn't want to fly alone until she is ten.

I'm thinking twenty.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


My new favorite group and video. And the kids are absolutely hooked too.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Mild swearing

1) At McDonalds, I bought the kids three little hamburgers and had them split a large fry and large drink. I wanted to see if it was cheaper than three Happy Meals. I also wanted to avoid getting more little toys which are littering our home and burying us alive in plush animals, plastic gizmos and other such JUNK.

Joey was upset not to get the little stuffed animal they are handing out now, and I told him we didn't need it, he has so many at home. He replied, "But, I don't like our darn toys, I love this one."

2) At a little market, Joey was trying to talk me into buying him a popsicle. I had two problems with his plan (a) I didn't want him to eat one in the car and (b) we had boxes of them at home. His reply, "But, I don't like our darn popsicles at home!"

I don't know where he decided to start adding darn as his new adjective, I'm glad it isn't a more harsh word that I've occasionally said in his presence.

Every once in a while it surprises me that I've forgotten that Joey is just 3 and a half. At this age, Emma was still a baby to me, but Joey hangs around big kids all the time, and I just figure he is just a slightly smaller kid than the others, not the toddler that he still is. Of course his teachers at school, and classmates, have to deal with his sophisticated means of arguing, honed from studying under his experienced masters, Emma and Max. He also has an extensive collection of big kid games from his early exposure to Lava Game, Tag-- with all the elaborate rules of 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders, Indian Warrier Game, and then of course, there are the mild curse words.

Max had his first day of camp at Crenshaw's today, and when I went to pick him up he was very hot, very tired and trying not to cry. I don't think he had all that much fun, and we have three weeks ahead of us! Poor guy. I'm sure it will get better in a couple of days, but he looked so bummed out today it almost broke my heart.

Emma enjoyed a visit to HONG KONG MARKET, (home of Joey's popsicles). She has fallen in love with all things Asian. I am working on a Kimono right now. She picks up Asian language newspapers and keeps them in her room, looking at the funny writing when she reads before bed. She loves tea sets, chop sticks, sushi, all the Chinese ceramic brick-a-brack and looking at every strange and slightly smelly food item at the Chinese Market. Frankly, some of it scares me, things that look like freeze dried eyeballs, or types of dried vegetable matter, but she is fascinated.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

The gods had condemned Sisyphus (or Sisyphos) to ceaselessly rolling a rock up to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought that there is no more dreadful punishment than this futile and hopeless labor.. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

One Tough Grandma Posted by Picasa

Confidante to One Tough Grandma

OK, so around 8:50 pm, I get a call from Carole Keeton Strayhorn, yeah, that one, the one running for governor. Yeah, she just wanted to talk politics with me. No biggie.


Actually, it rocked. I don't know how much to backtrack for those who are out of the loop of Texas politics but I'll summarize in brief. Tom DeLay (I'm sure you've heard of him) ramrodded redistricting through our state legislature two years ago. It left Austin Texas without a person in the US House of Representatives. Oh, I'm exagerating, my district 10 is a long skinny snakey thing that runs from my neighborhood (urban Austin) all the way over to Houston (3 hours east). There was no Democrat on the ballot for me to even vote for in 2004 because it was senseless for the party to waste money on such a gerrymandered mess. A dad from my kid's elementary school ran as a write in. He lost.

During this travesty of the democratic process, Rick Perry did Tom DeLay's dirty work. I towed my kids to hearings at the capitol and in the process got serious about speaking up.

I want Rick Perry out.

So anyway, about a year ago, I saw our State Comptroller, Mrs. Strayhorn at the grocery store on three successive Saturday mornings. Of course I had to say hi, because she's sort of famous. I told her I was a Lloyd Doggett Democrat (our beloved Liberal old representative before redistricting who beat the odds and now represents a snakey district stretching from South Austin to the Mexican border), told her if she ran against Rick Perry, this Democrat would vote for her and work for her campaign.

I mentioned my kids aspired to live in the Governor's Mansion someday. And I'll be damned if she didn't memorize my name, my story, my kids' names and then surprise us with letters to the kids, wishing them luck on becoming Governor, and t-shirts. We wrote her to say thanks, and she wrote again. And now we are on her guest list for parties. We even got a personal phone call from her staffer inviting us to her announcement rally when she declared her candidancy.

Anyway, I wrote a letter to the editor of the paper relating my grocery store story, and it got published last week. I ended my letter with "I'm going to call her office and volunteer today! Democrats for One Tough Grandma".

Tonght she called me at home to say thanks. I kicked back on the bed and chatted about her race, our mutual feelings for Rick Perry ("adios, Mofo") and how she has worked with Arnold Schwartzeneger's pollster to find that the primary will be her battle for Governor and she needs influential "D's" to come to her aid. Rick is set to run with the backing of the ultra Conservative "R's". She said she needed influential "D's" on her side. I told her to give me 15 years, and I'd be an influential D. I told her I want to be on the school board and maybe work my way up. She said "I could give you a boost", and told me that when her kids were little she ran for school board as her first election. She said it was a good move because the election campaign is short and you can always find sitter for the evening meetings when you win.

Anyway, we just chatted for about 10-15 minutes. I was strangely at ease, even using the "adios, Mofo" at one point. I joked about how my parents were probably getting some false hope with me considering working on a Republican's campaign, and that once the primary was over, she was on her own. She laughed at that. Lucky for her I have my sights set on Rick Perry as revenge for redistricting and she is the beneficiary of my malevolence.

So, just a normal old evening around here.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Greetings from the Independance Day Bat. There was a young girl giving free face paintings to the kids at our neighborhood 4th of July parade. So of course, Joey wanted the traditional bat motif, complete with "mean eyebrows." Posted by Picasa

This was just before the fishing trip with Grandad. Notice, the offspring of mine who chose not to participate was the same one who owns a brand new Scooby Doo fishing pole and has been talking about fishing for the last month. Final totals for the day were: Emma 1 (because she had a bigger hook), Max 4 (because he had a smaller hook and kept catching the same fish). Explanations by Emma. Posted by Picasa

Blueberry Lemon Souffle Pie

This is the pie that I can't stop eating!