Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Grade of the Day: A+

this picture is not OF the actual fried pickles at Alamo Village Theater, they are however, REPRESENTATIVE OF fried pickles at Alamo Village Theater


Woke up, when I was ready.

Everyone was in a pretty good mood.

Took kids to swim team practice, and got to hang out and talk with my good buddy Robbin.

Had a refreshing swim with Robbin and kids.

Ate (using coupon) at Kolache Factory, meaning I didn't have to think of what to make for lunch.

Took a refreshing nap on the couch.

Read the complete paper and found that there is a rare, mid-week estate sale tomorrow.

Took refreshing shower.

David came home early so I could go to see Knocked Up at Alamo with my good buddies Mary and Julie. Laughed with them before the movie, laughed so hard I cried during the movie.

Got to have fried pickles and beer along with dinner during movie.

Made it home and typed "easy to think of" report on blog.

About to hit the hay.

Good night!

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