Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Early Christmas

This isn't a Christmas gift, but it is something Joey really loves, a bazooka! Made especially by Grandad to fulfill a request. Joey had wondered if Grandad would give him a real bazooka (without ammo) but this is a little better.

Cousins can't wait to open the presents!

My aunts!

David and a couple of my cousins

Wow, I've been busy!

We had a trip to Fort Worth with photos to share. Celebrated Christmas with my growing up family, and my extended Kennemer family. Both were so much fun. My main thought there was how much my grandparents would have enjoyed seeing how everyone grew up and all the beautiful babies and kids running around. Nannie and Poppa would have been very proud.

Then, last night, I got to go celebrate a birthday with my circle of girlfriends from the kids' school. Margaritas and laughing and funny stories. Then, when we walked to our cars, drunk college boys tried to hit on us! One of our group told them they were too drunk since they didn't realize how old we were!

I feel like I'm so satisfied now, after seeing so many people, that I don't need any other Christmas gift. Really. I can't think of anything I really need this year. (other than the 30 Rock DVD, thank you very much Julie..... and the copy of Robbin's painting, thank you very much Mom and Dad). I'm content and happy to buy stuff for the kids and I wrapped that work up today about thirty minutes before school let out. I'm all bought, and wrapped, and hidden and mailed. Yippee!

So it's been a great week. Lots of hugs and laughs and contentment.

That's all.

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