Saturday, May 24, 2008

Just had an urge...

... an urge to do something fun during the three day weekend. The thought of griping at the kids about video games, and cleaning the house (to no avail) as the first day of the Memorial Day weekend was more than I could bear. I went out for a walk early and it was clammy and muggy, and when I got home I decided that I wanted to have some fun today.

So I informed the family I wanted to go tubing on the Guadalupe. Even though I knew it would be crowded, and a long drive, I wanted to go. David didn't, but I can still force the kids to do fun stuff... so here is our day.


Anonymous said...

Don't you know they will remember this as a great way to spend a hot day, and that your ideas actually can be a lot of fun. Max even got his blue inner tube. I'm glad you did this with the kids. I bet you won't have to "force" them next time.

Julie said...

Oh man - I am so jealous.

Anonymous said...

Good for you, if I was there I would have gone with you!

Only a few more weeks to beach time!