Friday, June 20, 2008

Befores and After

Two before photos and one after.

The first before is Max's extra tooth. We had it pulled on Monday. He had been growing (fast) an extra tooth right out of the roof of his mouth. One trip to our friend, the oral surgeon and that feature was history. Max did great, his mother, however, almost passed out. Since we are friends with the doctor AND I am working on two Architecture projects for him, I wisely waited until he finished and left the room before asking the nurse to close the door so I could sit with my head between my knees.

Sometimes I wondered if I could have cut it as a doctor, the answer is clearly NO.

Joey: Before haircut.

Joey: After haircut, with our wonderful hairdresser, Darlene. I've known her now for over twenty years. She and Joey really hit it off.

Two before photos and one after.

The first before is Max's extra tooth. We had it pulled on Monday. He had been growing (fast) an extra tooth right out of the roof of his mouth. One trip to our friend, the oral surgeon and that feature was history. Max did great, his mother, however, almost passed out. Since we are friends with the doctor AND I am working on two Architecture projects for him, I wisely waited until he finished and left the room before asking the nurse to close the door so I could sit with my head between my knees.

Sometimes I wondered if I could have cut it as a doctor, the answer is clearly NO.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Wow - that is one funky tooth! Almost too bad it's gone.