Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mexican Folk Art Sale

One of my friends, Lindsey, knew these girls who were selling a LOT of Mexican Folk Art. Their mother had been an importer and after she died five years ago, these sisters wanted to hold on to everything. This year they decided to sell the house, and its contents so they could begin the next phase of their lives. So they've invited friends, and friends of friends to come pick out some art (at rock bottom prices!) and take it to their homes. I got some great stuff last Saturday. There is another sale this week (Feb 3rd) in San Marcos, so if you are tempted.....

My demon on a bike.....

My first three paper mache Mexican dolls. I loved these so much I ordered 10 more and will hang the whole baker's dozen on a wall in the house.

This glass fronted cross holds the special toys of my children... it will hang in the kitchen so I can look at it while I cook.....

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