I feel like I'm cheating on Rocket Tots. For years, it has been the little task that, at times, I eagerly poured my thoughts into. Other times, when life gets dull, it nags me like a report I need to write for school.
Then, a new feeling, I started a blog called "
Estate Sale Mama" about my hobby. I'm all fired up to post photos of the things I find, and write about eBay. It is so new, so fresh, so easy. But poor old neglected R.T. just sits here. So, here I am, with something not so dull to report, hoping that I appease the Rocket Tot task master:
I'll let you know that David and I had a nice date on Saturday. Our priest at church has a daughter we love, and we asked to have her come babysit/sleepover, then we would drive her to church the following morning. My kids were looking forward to it all week. (of course I did too!)
We went out to the Alamo to see
Superbad and I give it a rave review. ALTHOUGH, it is not a film I would actually recommend to many people, a few, yes, but most, no. It is very full of cuss words, and high school boy fixations on sex and booze. But it is by Judd
Aptow, who makes the funniest comedies (40-Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up) and this was funnier than both of those. David and I bought our tickets online, but because we tried to play it cheap and eat at home before we went, we got to the theater right as it started. Not a problem with
pre-sold tickets, yet still a problem when there was only one seat on the very back row. The theater
accommodated us with folding chairs in the handicap spot. Not comfy but smack in the center, so we did OK. We were probably better off than if we had gotten there 15 minutes earlier.
I did Girl Scout training for five hours (!!!) on Saturday, so that movie was just the raunchy counterpoint to all the Girl Scout goodness I was exposed to.
Now, go check out my other blog.
I'll try to post here or there semi-frequently.