Monday, September 12, 2005

Luuuu-nooooo Posted by Picasa


Julie said...

OH MY GOD - WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT??? Mom had asked me if I'd seen this posting, saying she had no idea what it was. Oh, how often did I hope that my little statue(?) would come alive and fly me around only by me saying it's name!!!

Kathy said...

Yep. Everytime I remember something like this from my childhood, I ask David if he remembers. Apparantly Austin was much more cutting edge than Fort Worth. His cartoons, if they were old were Warner Bros. I think lots of stuff I was exposed to on Cartoon Carnival, Channel 11 and school filmstrips were produced in the late 40's/early 50's. Like the Reddy Kilowatt movie, the Jimminy Cricket "I'm no Fool" series, shows like Fury, and the Lone Ranger. And the post WW2 cartoons where the characters of nursery rhymes come to life. Oh yeah, Underdog and Luno too! I'll always hear that haunting cry, Luuuuu- noooooooo.

Anonymous said...

I still don't remember Luno. Did I abandon you kids too long in front of the television when you were young??