Sunday, March 26, 2006

Par-tay Road Trip in 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are getting ready for our annual Girls Get Away Weekend! I leave on Friday with my old buddies, Missy K, Julie K, Mary K to Kerrville Texas. This is our 6th annual trip. Each year there is an exchange of small gifts and last year I decided to make a mix cd for the girls. This year I've already got the tunes lined up and even made liner notes for the cds!

Kathy’s Liner Notes

Par-tay Road Trip Tunes ‘06

1. Parti Week End (joe king carasco): I can’t think of a better song with a more perfect title to start our weekend. Joe King Carasco was the king of Austin frat parties when I got to UT.

2. Bang Bang: (Kelly Willis) Kathy’s current favorite song!

3. Everybody Wants You: (Billy Squire) EHHS Seniors ’83! Woooooo!

4. Copacabana: (Barry Manilow) Contributed by Missy, in honor of my kiss with Mr. Manilow

5. On a Slow Boat to China: (Bette Midler and Barry Manilow) Barry’s current work, with the Devine Miss M. I can hear his luscious voice in the speaking parts….My tap teacher uses this in class!

6. Don’t Be Ashamed of Your Age: (Willie Nelson) Willie knows… “Don’t mind the gray in your hair, just think of all the fun you had getting it there”

7. Sweet Tequila Blues:(Chip Taylor and Carrie Rodriguez) In honor of Julie Kay’s clearance for booze

8. Wild Women: *(Francine Reed) Because we are.

9. When You’re Good to Mama: (Chicago Soundtrack) Because par-tay weekends are…

10. You Shook Me All Night Long: (AC/DC) Missy Kay contribution, EHHS favorite. If only Jeff Gurley was here to dance like Angus.

11. No One Like You: (Scorpions) Mary called me and held her phone next to the radio to check if this was a good song for our mix. Yes, it is.

12. Dance: Ten, Looks: Three (aka “Tits and Ass”): (Chorus Line Soundtrack) Another of Mary’s contributions, the girl who won Best Bod at the 20th reunion, hmmm…

13. One In a Million You: (Larry Graham) EHHS Fling rehearsals, every night, over and over…

14. Killer Queen: (Queen) 70’s pop contributed by Kathy

15. Strange Magic: (ELO) ditto

16. Further: (Katy Moffatt) Kathy’s current favorite slow song

17. When the Sun Goes Down: (Kenny Chesney) one of Mary’s requests from Par-tay ’05 I couldn’t find at the time, but it’s here now!

18. Dazz: (Brick) 70’s Disco, yeah!

19. Tell Me Something Good: (Rufus and Chaka Khan) Missy’s disco favorite

20. Little Less Conversation: (Elvis Presley) Encore from Par-tay ’05 CD

21. Chain of Fools: (Aretha Franklin) Missy’s R&B

22. Mama’s Always on Stage: (Arrested Development) For overworked Mamas who need a break, and the people who support her getting one


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