Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Spring Break... so far.

OK. I've been so busy, that Spring Break sort of snuck up on me this year. We had Max's birthday March 3 and planned his birthday party for that weekend.

Then, we thought we might go to Six Flags that weekend. So, when we decided 'yes' to Six Flags, we scheduled his party for the following weekend. Who would have guessed that was during Spring Break? Not clueless-busy-woman! I became aware of it when four parents called me to RSVP that they wouldn't make it since they would be at Padre, skiing, visiting California. Of course then I had to reschedule the bowling lanes, and call all the kid's parents to change the date. UGH!

So anyway, last Friday, as all my mommy friends were heading off to the mountains, the beach, where ever, I started getting mad. How could spring break sneak up on me like that? In the midst of all my busy-ness I had made no plans for us. We would surely be the only family left in Austin.

Anyway, it hasn't been so bad after all. I'm going to give a recap of each day's Fun Austin Adventure, which is what I've renamed Spring Break for us.

Friday after school:

I was certain that the Mommy Park Time I usually enjoy at the end of a long week would consist of me, and my kids, in a deserted park. I was wrong about that. When we got there, a surprising number of my good buddies were on blankets, sipping cold beer and there was a sizable gaggle of kids running around.

Lately, the park has been an incubator for a kind of kid-sociology experiment. The kids act like a tribe, mixing in a way I'm sure they never do at school-- girls and boys, young and old-- inventing elaborate games. This visit, ALL the kids, Joey's age (4) up through 5th graders, were working on a city made of sand. One mom reported that it was a fortified city. There were builder children and warrier children. The war would be to throw sticks at the fortified city to destroy it. Fortunately, the builders got pretty passionate about the creative end of things and kept telling the warriers to hold their horses. Eventually the building never got finished, just more fantastic, and the warriers (a minority) ran off to the playscape. At least that is what a very funny new Mom told the rest of us. She was a nice surprise, a new Mama who made me laugh so much. My friend Zina, who's house was completely destroyed in New Orleans and who had to endure the convention center before boarding a bus to Austin, came for the first time, and you know, it's hard to bitch about spring break when you sit next to someone in her situation. The beer and perfect weather helped change my mind a bit too!

Anyway, all us Mommies decided that we would meet next Friday, since we would all be home. We might even meet a bit earlier than usual! yippee!


The big adventure of the day was a trip to Peter Pan Mini Golf. It is a funky Austin creation with nearly impossible playing conditions on the homemade obsticles. The kids should have eaten before we left, so there was some crankyness when the ball got stuck under the giant scary bunny's butt. Could have been better, but hey, not every day of spring break is magical.


Church and hanging out. The kids are playing in the bamboo teepee in the yard again, making "food" from dirt, and hauling every pillow and towel outside for mudpie time.


Amy's Ice Cream, including photo booth. And a trip to Central Market, its playground, and the Octopus Tree. The tree is magical, one of those big old Live Oaks with limbs dripping down to the ground. My kids love it. I sit away from the action and hold my tongue when they get up there too high, because I remember that tingly feeling I'd get in the soles of my feet when climbing high in a tree. They need to push the envelope a little and do something scary. I also let them run around the little pond there, the visibility is great for me, and they get the freedom of exploring. As I watched them run (fast!) around the pond with the sun in Emma's hair and the joy Joey showed as he picked up steam running down a hill, I was very greatful to have the kids in my life.


We went to Emma's favorite Japanese store, Momoko. Then we went to a gallery where my favorite artist is having a show- Lance Letscher. I am amazed by his work, but am watching him get so expensive that I will never own an original. I bought a poster from the show on impulse and part of our running around was to get it framed at Michael's. The kids jumped on the trampoline at a friend's house while I helped her get family heirlooms ready for sale on eBay. (hopefully I'll make enough commission helping her to pay for the poster and framing!) At the end of the day, we took a surprise trip up to Krispy Kreme for hot donuts! Partly because I felt guilty for taking the kids on errands, but as we drove home, Emma said this was a good day, and it was! How can you argue with that when you are eating a hot donut?

to be continued....

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