Saturday, July 29, 2006

sweet ride

Ruby, my old station wagon, now belongs to Jerry and his used car lot in Hurst Texas. I sold her yesterday with help from my wonderful Dad, and I actually enjoyed it. I was a little sad to see her go. We had lots of fun times with that wagon. Bought it in Seattle about a week before Max was born when I was REALLY pregnant. I'm sure the salesman knew he had a desperate sale on his hands, but we thought we bargained pretty well.

Since then, the car has been on a road trip with us when we moved back to Texas. Ten days with a 1 and 3 year old along the west coast. It's driven us to the beach, to Grandma and Grandad's, to every family outing for the last 6 and a half years. But it was time to move on.

Now I am a total stereotypical mom. I have a minivan! It is a sweet, fancy, almost spankin' brand new Toyota. It has 3800 miles and I hope to drive her to the end, in about 15 years! Photos coming soon.

Farewell old Ruby, hello, ????. We'll let you know the van's name when we figure it out.


Julie said...

Oh don't listen to Mom. As my husband likes to point out, NONE of us are cool anymore and haven't been for a long time. Though I like to think we are less uncool than others.

Anonymous said...

I think "Goldie" would be a nice name for the new van.....

Julie said...

Goldie just sounds like Grace named it, much like her stuffed black dog is named "Blacky", her pink bear is named "Pinky" and the pink beanie baby-type bear with a trumpet on its chest is named "Horny" (no lie!).

Anonymous said...

Andy's car is named "stale fart jalopy"