Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Last soccer game.

Max's Last Soccer Game of the Season

His coach, Joe, was the best we've ever had. He knew the game so well, and really had a positive attitude about teaching the kids. But more importantly he put sportsmanship first. Tonight we had a Wednesday night make up game, on the last school night of the year. Our whole team showed up, but only 5 of the other kids did. We were rotating kids in and out and their five (which dwindled to four) were absolutely worn out and losing 5-0 at the half.

Joe made it very clear how they must be feeling and though he always wanted our guys to do their best, that gloating and cheering wasn't the right thing. By the fourth quarter, he took them all aside and told them that it would be really nice to play for fun, and would any of the kids from our team like to help out the other team. Three of ours did and they all had a blast, it was very hard to tell which of our yellow jersey kids were playing for us or the other team, but the kids really didn't care, and no one took score anyway.

It really touched my heart to have my child coached that way.

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