Tuesday, November 15, 2005

chilly weather

It finally got cold(er). A front blew in today, shaking off the unseasonably warm weather we've been living with. I was torn between wishing for cool weather vs. enduring the runny noses and sinus problems my family seems prone to getting when the weather changes. So far we are cooler and not snottier.

So many things going on right now. Every free minute of mine is being spent getting ready for an Art Show and Sale on December 10. It is my first time to try to sell stuff at a show, and my projects are tooth fairy pillows, funky big people pillows and assorted greeting cards. Maybe a quilt if I can swing it.... so far, so good.

This weekend is the Brownie Camp Out. We will be cooking our own food over our little coffee can stoves that we made last week. The girls will learn pocket knife safety, and sleep away without too many of the Mommies along. It is at a Girl Scout cabin in Zilker Park, 5 minutes from most of our houses, so we have a large safety net.

The kids are signed up for Children's Book Week. They have given up TV for the week. I am thinking it is harder for me to give it up than them. I have come to rely on having at least one adult voice in the house that isn't mine. Oprah works well. Then there is the bickering factor. When the kids are bored, they bicker more. When the kids aren't watching TV, initially, they are bored. After a while, and a few fights, they find something to do together. So maybe it isn't too bad.

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