Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy Halloween

Yes, they are going for increasingly scary costumes each year.
Emma is dressing like a pre-teen, which is scariest of all.

Joey visits Mrs. Black's house.

How many more years will I see this scene?

The loot!

Max is always the leader in candy acquisition. We think he is young enough to want the candy and his hands are big enough to really grab a nice big handful when offered.

Today was actually a real scare. About mid-morning I checked my email from work to see one from the kids' principal. He said the school was under modified lockdown. Apparently, someone robbed McBride's gun shop which is less than a mile from our school. The Austin Swat team was trying to figure out if the crook had actually been cornered in the store, so as a precaution, the daycare and three nearby schools were on lock down.

Today the store was having a Beretta show. It really makes me question the wisdom of gun rights, knowing that semi automatic weapon shows are being held just up the road. I'm not against guns that are designed for hunters, but ones that really are only good for killing people would be better left out of my neighborhood.

I never worried about our kids. Our school is amazing and kept them all safe. I'm very thankful that this was a non-story.

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