Sunday, June 19, 2005

what I've been thinking about

Just lately, lots of good data has been flowing into my brain. Maybe I've just had more peace around here as the kids get older, so that I can remember things for more than 10 minutes after I see/hear/read them. But lately I've had a great run of things to think about.

Movie: Sideways. I had the opportunity to watch it twice and it was even better the second time.

Books: Yes, I've read bookS (plural) lately, so that doubled my five year total in just the last month or so. I read and loved, 1) The Time Traveller's Wife and 2)The Red Tent.

The Red Tent was just very interesting and I'm finding I'm thinking about bits and pieces of it even now that I'm done. The next recommendation I've gotten is for Easter Island, and then The Color of Water.

Newspaper: So many wonderful editorials lately. All sorts of topics. But two quotes in particular really got my attention:

1)"We have literature and the arts so that we can gain sympathetic access to systems of belief that are not our own. Imagination had better inlude entering into worlds that are not your own, as well as the entertaining of beliefs that you don't yourself hold but that it will be good for you to feel the force of."
Christopher Ricks, Oxford professor of English poetry


2)"An unconscious people, an indoctrinated people, a people fed only partisan information and opinion that confirm their own bias, a people made morbidly obese in mind and spirit by the junk food of propaganda is less inclined to put up a fight, ask questions, and be skeptical."
Bill Moyers, speaking at a conference on media reform.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I loved the Red Tent too. And I loved Poisonwood Bible too, though I know Mom didn't get into it too much. I just finished reading "Waiting" which was a book written by a woman who has waitressed 20 years (she's about our age). It was pretty good, but I had to skip some parts that got a little redundant. I'm about to start The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - a Pulitzer Prize winner so we'll see how that goes.