Monday, May 02, 2005

This is the new teepee city that has been established in our front yard. Emma has been very interested in Native American life. She checked out a cool book from the school library, and it showed how to make a teepee. So the kids have been playing in these for a week now. Yesterday I was able to pick my own Indian name, "Stinging Bull Nettle". My Mom and Dad, "Moonflower" and "Whooping Crane" lunched under the teepee with "Growling Bear" (David), "Raven" (Max), "Green Leaf" (Joey) and "Running River" (Emma). More photos coming... Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Best meal we had all weekend! A restaurant with real atmosphere.

Julie said...

Did I ever tell you the best Indian name I've ever heard? It was by my former boss for his daughter's Indian Princesses. Breaking Wind. Hah.

Anonymous said...

OK, which one was Moonflower and which one was Whooping Crane?

Anonymous said...

Some family secrets, like "special names" are best kept in the closet.